East Kalimantan Province is one part of Borneo. Borneo alone has an area of 750 000 km covered in the three countries, is the world's third largest island after Greenland and New Guinea. In northern Borneo, including the country of Malaysia (Sabah and Sarawak), on the west coast of the Sultanate of Brunei Darussalam. While the largest part of Borneo, a territory of Indonesia is divided into four provinces, namely West Kalimantan, South Kalimantan, Central Kalimantan and East Kalimantan.
East Kalimantan capital of Samarinda, the extent of 211 440 km2 (about 28% area of Borneo), located between 1130 44 '- 1190 00' east longitude and 40 24 'north latitude and 20 25' latitude south, with borders to the north with the state of Sabah (East Malaysia), while on the west side of Central Kalimantan, West Kalimantan and Sarawak (East Malaysia). On the east by the Makassar Strait and Sulawesi Sea, while in the south with the South.
The Residents Of East Kalimantan
The native of East Kalimantan and the Dayak tribes are Malays (Kutai, Tidung), the majority of them living in rural and border areas. Population growth in East Kalimantan, characterized by a predominantly ethnic structure of migrants, so the natives a minority.
The entry of newcomers make the population growth in East Kalimantan, including one of the highest in Indonesia, which is about 5.8% per year. That is because the arrival of migrants from outside the province as a result of the "boom" in oil and forest exploitation. According to 1996 statistics, the population reached 2,599,165 people in East Kalimantan. Groups of migrants who entered East Kalimantan, most originating from East Java (35%), and South Sulawesi (25.2%), South Kalimantan (11.8%) and Central Java (11.9%). In addition there are still migrant in small quantities from the East Nusa Tenggara, Bali, Maluku and North Sumatra.
Rivers And Lakes In East Kalimantan
In East Kalimantan, there are 161 rivers with overall length of approximately 347 937 km, tipped in the highlands and mountainous regions along the border of Central and South Kalimantan and East Malaysia towards the coastal areas in the Makassar Strait and Sulawesi Sea.
River is vital to society, other than as a source of well water for transportation. Most can be navigable rivers and rivers of which there are eight major cruise lines that are important, namely the Mahakam (920km); Kayan (576km); Sesayap (278 km); Sembakung (278 km); Segah (162 km); Belayan (319 km ); Kendilo (191 km); Kelay (254 km) and Berau (292 km).
In low-lying areas along these streams, there are 104 lakes with total area reached 106 057 hectares. Three of them are the largest and most important to the habitat of Irrawaddy Dolphin fish (freshwater dolphins) there is in Kutai, namely Jempang lake (15,000 ha); Semayang (13 000 ha) and Across (11 000 ha).
Natural Resources
East Kalimantan Province is one of the richest provinces in Indonesia, and forests are a potential natural resources in the province. The area of forest in East Kalimantan reached 21 155 million hectares. Based on Forest Land Use Agreement, the allotment is as follows: Forest Nature Reserve (1.9686 million ha); Protected Forest (3.6263 million ha); Limited Production Forest (4.8261 million ha); Forest Production Equipment (5.51306 million ha); Conversion Forest (5.19238 million ha); Others (17 500 ha). In addition to the forest, there are many natural resources owned by East Kalimantan province, including oil and natural gas, coal, gold, nickel, and sand. Another sector that is now being developed are agriculture, tourism, and manufacturing industries.
Some regions such as Balikpapan and Bontang began developing industrial estates every sector to accelerate economic growth.
Arts and Culture
1. Vernacular
The languages of East Kalimantan region included in the Austronesian language of Malayo-Polynesian family. Among them: Language Tidung, Banjar Language, Language Berau and Kutai language. What language is the language Lundayeh Other.
2. Traditional Weapons
- Mandau - ManaauGayang
- Chopsticks - Potaan
- Shield - Keleubet
- Spear - Belolokng
East Kalimantan has several interesting tourist destinations such as Derawan in Berau islands, the Kayan Mentarang National Park and Batu Lamampu Beach in Nunukan, Manggar crocodile farm and the beach at Balikpapan, deer farms and Tanjung Jumlai in Penajam, Dayak Pampang Village in Samarinda, Mangrove forest and Amal Beach Tarakan City, Kumala Island in Tenggarong, and others. In east Kalimantan approximately 1000-189.000 plant species growing around such a black orchid price per flower can reach 100000-500000 But there are obstacles in the heading above places namely transportation. Many parts in this province still do not have asphalt roads, so many people travel by boat and aircraft and would not be surprised if in East Kalimantan has a lot of pioneering airports. In addition, there will be making plans Balikpapan-Samarinda Highway-Bontang-Sangata to accelerate the economy.

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